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Playdates - Parenting and Fun

 When your kids are young, everyday activities like trips to the park or day at the playground can become special events. As a parent, you'll want to record each moment – from the excitement of their first steps to the heartache of losing a fight with a sibling. These days may seem simple, but they're filled with all sorts of emotions and have a special place in your heart. Letting your kids get a taste of independence is also a rite of passage, and one that you may find gratifying. The concept of ‘child care' has evolved alongside our growing understanding of childhood. From child-minders to family daycare ellerslie to centre-based early learning, our care for kids has shifted from nursery-schooling to ‘child development'. The pendulum has swung so far in the other direction that day care is now understood to encompass all aspects of a child's life from birth through to adulthood. What was once a luxury or a treat is now an expectation for every family. The costs of raising children have increased and while many jobs offer good wages, the cost of living continues to rise. As a result, day care has become a vital part of any modern parent's working week. Traditional family bonds are being broken but they're also being created. The ‘stay-at-home' parent is emerging as an important collective identity, and one that is changing the way we view parenting. Going ‘back to nature' and the desire to rekindle some of the romance of childhood are providing motivations for parents to stay at home with their kids. While they might enjoy the occasional coffee with a neighbour, structured day activities offer a fresh opportunity to make new connections. Whether you're an established family looking for a way to connect with young children or parents looking to form a relationship with their kids' teacher, daycare offers a space for casual yet structured parenting. Many centres host parties each week where parents can come together to socialise with their kids while also getting some ‘me' time. It's a place to meet new people yet feel like you're reconnecting with an old friend. While daycare isn't for everyone, it's definitely worth considering if you're curious about parenting or need some help with your kids. Playdates And Summer Camp Playdates and summer camp are important in terms of getting to know other families and kids, allowing children to make new connections and have fun in the process. However, these activities can also be a bit more intimidating for new parents, especially when paired with other families. Whether it's a playdate or a sleepover at a neighbour's house, these events can feel like a test, especially when there are so many other adults around. Going to another family's home for an evening can also mean being a little bit ‘out' there, which isn't always easy when you don't want to leave your baby to their own devices for too long. Summer camp can be a bit more stressful because it involves getting away from your kids for a few days. It's not that you want to avoid them, but you know that they need to experience other children and other environments in order to grow up happy and healthy. Some camps are a bit more ‘traditional', and expect parents to stay away overnight, monitoring their kids' sleep schedule and feeding them snacks and drinks to keep them happy during their visit. While in some ways this makes it more convenient for parents, it also feels like a bit of a cheat, as you're not supposed to enjoy yourself during one of the most important years of your child's life. It can be tricky to find the right balance between parenting and fun, especially when you're not used to being alone with your kids. Going to the playground is also important in terms of providing your kid with some exercise and fresh air. However, this doesn't mean that you need to prevent them from having fun with their friends as well. Sometimes a family needs a break and playdates provide an opportunity to have some fun while also giving your kids some important social skills and new experiences. It's a good idea to try and have some fun whilst also ensuring they get the nutrition they need for healthy growth. Matching Siblings One of the more traditional reasons for sending your kids to daycare is to match them up with other children of similar ages. This is mostly done to reduce sibling rivalry, and to ensure that they learn to get along with others or at least tolerate each other. It's not that parents want to prevent their kids from fighting – far from it – but they know that constant competition for the parents' attention can cause serious problems later on in life. Sending the children to different daycare centres or families is also a way of ensuring that they get some exposure to different environments and cultures. There's no ‘one-size-fits-all' approach when it comes to parenting, and whilst many parents may be happy to stick with the same routine with their kids, occasionally a change may be required for the better. Matching siblings is one of the ways in which daycare can provide a more stable environment for children, and allow them to interact with children of different races, religions and cultures. When children are young, every aspect of their lives is new and exciting. The days are filled with new experiences and milestones, so it's not difficult to see why parents might want to document every moment.

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